pregnancy preservation techniques


Embryo freezing

 Embryo freezing Embryo freezing is the process of storing embryos in liquid nitrogen at temperatures below zero degrees (-196 ° C). Hundreds of thousands of

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Testicular tissue freezing

Testicular tissue freezing In this method, small biopsies of the testicular tissue are removed by TESE or Micro TESE and studied using a microscope .

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Egg freezing

Egg freezing .Egg freezing (oocyte cryopreservation), is a method used to preserve reproductive potential in women   Eggs are harvested from your ovaries, frozen unfertilized

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Sperm freezing

 Sperm freezing  sperm freezing (semen cryopreservation) is a procedure to preserve reproductive potential in men or boys who require cancer chemotherapy or radiation therapy, and

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