April 10, 2019


Egg freezing

Egg freezing .Egg freezing (oocyte cryopreservation), is a method used to preserve reproductive potential in women   Eggs are harvested from your ovaries, frozen unfertilized

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Sperm freezing

 Sperm freezing  sperm freezing (semen cryopreservation) is a procedure to preserve reproductive potential in men or boys who require cancer chemotherapy or radiation therapy, and

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Sequential embryo transfer

Sequential embryo transfer RIF can have different causes, including decreased embryo reception by the endometrium or impaired developmental potential of the embryo. Reduction of embryo

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(Platelet-rich plasma (PRP

(Platelet-rich plasma (PRP Treatment with Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a method that improves pregnancy rate in those who have recurrent IVF faile history, that has

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Endometrial Scratch

Endometrial Scratch This scratch is carried out simultaneously with hysteroscopy, under anesthesia, through the vagina, which leads to the proper placement of the embryo. During

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(Lymphocyte Therapy (CRH-treated PBMCs

 Lymphocyte Therapy (CRH-treated PBMCs) Repeated implantation failure (RIF) is one of the major problems in IVF / ICSI cycles. Despite many advances in infertility treatments,

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Laser Hatching

Laser Hatching There is a glycoprotein layer surrounding the plasma membrane of oocytes known as zona pellucida. Five days after the fertilization, with the help

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(Sonohysterography (SIS

Sonohysterography (SIS) In hysterosonography, by passing a soft small tube through the vagina, sterile saline fluid is infused into the uterus, providing a more detailed

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Varicocelectomy In the upper part of each testicle, there is a network of interconnected veins. A varicocele is when these veins are become enlarged and impaired inside scrotum. The causes

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