hospitalization ward
hospitalization ward The hospitalization wards of the Novin center located on the second floor consist of two parts: ward 1: Private and public rooms equipped
Ultrasonography room
Ultrasonography room Through Vaginal Ultrasonography we can discover everything we need to know about your fertility including ovarian reserve, intrauterine lining (endometrium), any uterine fibroids,
ART Laboratory
ART Laboratory Novin ART Laboratory consists of Embryology and Andrology sections. Our experienced embryologists and Specialists will provide advanced fertility treatments including Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), in
Surgery Rooms
Surgery Rooms The operating rooms of Novin center, located on the third floor, have expert and experienced personnel, equipped with advanced facilities to perform surgical
Recovery room
Recovery room The recovery room located on the third floor includes: monitoring beds, central oxygen and suction for postoperative care as well as trained nursing
Nurses station
Nurses station The nurses station has been located in the central of the bedridden wards to improve the quality of nursing care and patients monitoring.

Oocyte Donation
Oocyte Donation Egg donation involves oocyte retrieval from a donor woman. These oocytes are cultured and fertilized in laboratory and then resulting embryos are

Embryo donation
Embryo donation Embryo donation includes taking oocyte and sperm from a fertile couple and transferring the resulting embryos to the uterus of infertile woman. The

Embryo freezing
Embryo freezing Embryo freezing is the process of storing embryos in liquid nitrogen at temperatures below zero degrees (-196 ° C). Hundreds of thousands of

Testicular tissue freezing
Testicular tissue freezing In this method, small biopsies of the testicular tissue are removed by TESE or Micro TESE and studied using a microscope .

Egg freezing
Egg freezing .Egg freezing (oocyte cryopreservation), is a method used to preserve reproductive potential in women Eggs are harvested from your ovaries, frozen unfertilized

Sperm freezing
Sperm freezing sperm freezing (semen cryopreservation) is a procedure to preserve reproductive potential in men or boys who require cancer chemotherapy or radiation therapy, and

Sequential embryo transfer
Sequential embryo transfer RIF can have different causes, including decreased embryo reception by the endometrium or impaired developmental potential of the embryo. Reduction of embryo

(Platelet-rich plasma (PRP
(Platelet-rich plasma (PRP Treatment with Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a method that improves pregnancy rate in those who have recurrent IVF faile history, that has

Endometrial Scratch
Endometrial Scratch This scratch is carried out simultaneously with hysteroscopy, under anesthesia, through the vagina, which leads to the proper placement of the embryo. During

G-CSF) Granulocyte colony stimulating factor)
Granulocyte colony stimulating factor(G-CSF) G-CSF, known initially as a blood growth factor, has important implications for non-blood cells such as endometrium cells and plays a

(Lymphocyte Therapy (CRH-treated PBMCs
Lymphocyte Therapy (CRH-treated PBMCs) Repeated implantation failure (RIF) is one of the major problems in IVF / ICSI cycles. Despite many advances in infertility treatments,

Laser Hatching
Laser Hatching There is a glycoprotein layer surrounding the plasma membrane of oocytes known as zona pellucida. Five days after the fertilization, with the help

(Sonohysterography (SIS
Sonohysterography (SIS) In hysterosonography, by passing a soft small tube through the vagina, sterile saline fluid is infused into the uterus, providing a more detailed

Varicocelectomy In the upper part of each testicle, there is a network of interconnected veins. A varicocele is when these veins are become enlarged and impaired inside scrotum. The causes

Laparoscopy Laparoscopy is a surgery that is used to examine internal organs of the abdomen. A thin camera called laparoscope is inserted into the body

Vasovasostomy Sometimes people who have vasectomies decide to go back and in some cases vasosa (duct of the sperm) is damaged by hernia so

PESA / TESA The absence of sperms in the semen test is called azoospermia, which can be caused by the absence of sperm in

Semen Analysis (Spermogram)
Semen Analysis (Spermogram) Semen analysis is a test to evaluate the concentration and quality of spermatozoa. It”s one of the first tests to help diagnose

Transvaginal Ultrasound
Transvaginal Ultrasound (sonography through the vagina) Transvaginal ultrasound is used to examine reproductive organs of women such as the uterus, ovaries, and cervix. This method

Hysteroscopy Hysteroscopy is a surgical procedure that allows the physician to examine your uterus to detect the cause of abnormal bleeding as well as some

controlled ovarian stimulation
controlled ovarian stimulation Ovulation problems are a common cause of fertility issues. Fortunately this is one of the easiest problems to solve.

(Physiological Intra-cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (PICSI
Physiological Intra-cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (PICSI) In normal insemination, successful fertilization of the egg is performed only by sperm, which has the ability to bind to

(IUI (Intrauterine insemination
(IUI (Intrauterine insemination IUI includes Insemination of washed sperms into uterus by a catheter. It’s a simple and cost effective treatment which can be applied
Doctor’s office
Doctor’s office Doctor’s office is equipped with the most modern ultrasounds so the patients can be exam if needed. An obstetrician-gynecologist will ask to do